Unit 3 Vocabulary Level C

Embark on an exciting journey with Unit 3 Vocabulary Level C, where you’ll delve into a treasure trove of words that will elevate your language proficiency. Get ready to expand your vocabulary, explore word relationships, and master the nuances of language usage.

This comprehensive guide will provide you with everything you need to conquer Unit 3 Vocabulary Level C. From defining each word with precision to identifying synonyms and antonyms, we’ve got you covered. Dive in and unlock the power of language!

Word List and Definitions

Expand your vocabulary with the following words from Unit 3, Level C:

Words and Definitions

  • Abstain:To refrain from doing something, especially eating or drinking.
  • Acquire:To get or come into possession of something.
  • Apprehend:To seize or arrest someone, especially by legal authority.
  • Arbitrary:Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
  • Concur:To agree with someone or something.
  • Contagious:Capable of being passed on from one person or thing to another, especially a disease.
  • Criterion:A standard or principle by which something is judged or decided.
  • Culpable:Deserving blame or punishment.
  • Debunk:To expose the falsity or exaggerated claims of something.
  • Discrepancy:A difference or inconsistency between two or more things.
  • Emphasize:To give special importance or prominence to something.
  • Expedite:To speed up or facilitate something.
  • Facilitate:To make something easier or more convenient.
  • Fortitude:Strength of mind or spirit that enables one to endure adversity.
  • Impartial:Not biased or prejudiced; fair and just.
  • Indict:To formally charge someone with a crime.
  • Injunction:A court order that requires someone to do or refrain from doing something.
  • Intention:A plan or purpose; the thing that someone intends to do.
  • Obsolete:No longer in use or practice; outdated.
  • Pertinent:Relevant or appropriate to the matter at hand.
  • Ponder:To think deeply about something.
  • Prejudice:An unreasonable or unfair opinion or feeling, especially towards a particular group of people.
  • Prerequisite:Something that is required as a condition for something else to happen or exist.
  • Prohibit:To forbid or prevent something from happening.
  • Rectify:To correct or set right something that is wrong.
  • Repent:To feel or express sincere regret or remorse for something that one has done or failed to do.
  • Reprehensible:Deserving severe blame or censure.
  • Rescind:To cancel or withdraw something, especially a law or agreement.
  • Subsidy:A sum of money granted by the government or a public body to help an industry or business keep operating.
  • Substantiate:To support or prove something with evidence or argument.
  • Testimonial:A statement or declaration given by someone in support of something or someone.
  • Truncate:To cut short or remove a part of something.
  • Vacillate:To waver or hesitate between different opinions or courses of action.

Synonyms and Antonyms: Unit 3 Vocabulary Level C

Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings, while antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. Identifying synonyms and antonyms can help you expand your vocabulary and improve your communication skills.

To identify synonyms and antonyms, you can use a dictionary or thesaurus. You can also look for words that have similar or opposite meanings in the context of a sentence or passage.


Here are some synonyms for the vocabulary words from Unit 3, Level C:

  • Abhor: detest, hate, loathe
  • Accolade: award, honor, tribute
  • Adversity: difficulty, hardship, misfortune
  • Ameliorate: improve, make better, relieve
  • Anomaly: abnormality, irregularity, oddity
  • Appease: calm, pacify, soothe
  • Arduous: difficult, laborious, strenuous
  • Ascetic: austere, self-denying, spartan
  • Assiduous: diligent, hardworking, industrious
  • Benevolent: charitable, kind, philanthropic


Here are some antonyms for the vocabulary words from Unit 3, Level C:

  • Abhor: love, admire, appreciate
  • Accolade: criticism, insult, reproach
  • Adversity: ease, good fortune, prosperity
  • Ameliorate: worsen, deteriorate, make worse
  • Anomaly: normality, regularity, conformity
  • Appease: anger, irritate, provoke
  • Arduous: easy, effortless, simple
  • Ascetic: indulgent, luxurious, wasteful
  • Assiduous: lazy, idle, indolent
  • Benevolent: cruel, malicious, unkind

Part of Speech

In English grammar, part of speech refers to the classification of words into different categories based on their function and meaning within a sentence. Each part of speech has its own set of rules and characteristics.

For our vocabulary words in Unit 3, we will determine their parts of speech and categorize them accordingly.

Unit 3 vocabulary level c is essential for building a strong foundation in the language. To practice these words, you can read susana no vive en brasil. This text is written in simple Spanish and uses many of the words from unit 3 vocabulary level c.

Reading this text will help you to learn these words in context and improve your overall comprehension skills. Once you have read the text, you can test your understanding by completing the exercises at the end of the unit.


Nouns are words that name a person, place, thing, or idea. They can be singular or plural, and they can be either common or proper nouns.

  • Person:teacher, student, doctor
  • Place:school, park, city
  • Thing:book, pencil, computer
  • Idea:love, happiness, peace


Verbs are words that describe actions, states of being, or occurrences. They can be transitive or intransitive, and they can be in different tenses and moods.

  • Action:run, jump, eat
  • State of being:be, exist, seem
  • Occurrence:happen, occur, take place


Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns or pronouns. They can provide information about size, shape, color, quality, or other characteristics.

  • Size:big, small, tall
  • Shape:round, square, triangular
  • Color:red, blue, green
  • Quality:good, bad, beautiful


Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. They can provide information about time, place, manner, or degree.

  • Time:now, then, soon
  • Place:here, there, everywhere
  • Manner:quickly, slowly, carefully
  • Degree:very, quite, extremely


Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in the sentence. They can indicate location, direction, or time.

  • Location:in, on, at
  • Direction:to, from, towards
  • Time:before, after, during


Conjunctions are words that connect words, phrases, or clauses. They can show addition, contrast, or cause and effect.

  • Addition:and, or, nor
  • Contrast:but, yet, however
  • Cause and effect:because, so, therefore


Interjections are words or phrases that express strong emotion or surprise. They are often used independently of the rest of the sentence.

  • Surprise:Oh, wow, hey
  • Joy:Yay, hooray, awesome
  • Sadness:Oh no, bummer, darn

Usage in Context

To effectively understand and use vocabulary, it’s essential to explore its practical usage in various contexts. Let’s delve into real-life scenarios and examples to witness how these words come alive in communication.

Examples in Sentences

  • The professor extolledthe virtues of perseverance, emphasizing its importance in achieving success.
  • The gregariousnature of the host made everyone feel welcome and at ease.
  • The scientist hypothesizedthat the new compound could revolutionize the field of medicine.
  • The loquaciouspolitician spoke for hours, captivating the audience with his endless stream of words.
  • The magnanimousking pardoned his enemies, showing his compassion and forgiveness.

Short Paragraphs and Dialogues

Here’s a short paragraph that showcases the words in a coherent narrative:

The loquaciousspeaker captivated the audience with her gregariousdemeanor. She extolledthe virtues of kindness, emphasizing its importance in fostering a harmonious society. Her words resonated deeply with the listeners, who left the event feeling inspired and uplifted.

And now, a brief dialogue that demonstrates the words in a conversational setting:

  • Speaker 1:I’m so impressed by your magnanimousgesture. It shows true character.
  • Speaker 2:Thank you. I believe in forgiveness and compassion, even towards those who have wronged me.

Word Relationships

Unit 3 vocabulary level c

Vocabulary words in Unit 3, Level C, exhibit various relationships, forming coherent themes and semantic fields. Understanding these connections deepens comprehension and facilitates effective word usage.

Words can be grouped based on shared characteristics, functions, or concepts. These relationships help us organize and retrieve information from memory.

Thematic Relationships

Words may belong to the same theme or topic. For instance, “jubilant,” “elated,” and “euphoric” share a theme of positive emotions, while “apprehensive,” “anxious,” and “nervous” share a theme of negative emotions.

Semantic Relationships

Words may also have semantic relationships, such as synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms. Synonyms are words with similar meanings, such as “happy” and “joyful.” Antonyms are words with opposite meanings, such as “large” and “small.” Homonyms are words that share the same spelling or pronunciation but have different meanings, such as “bank” (financial institution) and “bank” (riverbank).

Concept Mapping

A concept map is a visual representation of relationships between concepts. It can be used to illustrate the connections between vocabulary words and their meanings.

Here is an example of a concept map for some of the vocabulary words in Unit 3, Level C:

Positive Emotions
           /        \
        jubilant  elated  euphoric
             \        /
               happy  joyful 

Illustrations or Visual Aids

Unit 3 vocabulary level c

Illustrations and visual aids play a crucial role in enhancing the understanding of vocabulary words.

They provide a concrete representation of abstract concepts, making them easier to grasp and remember.

In designing these aids, it’s important to consider the following:

Image Selection

  • Choose images that are relevant and representative of the word’s meaning.
  • Avoid using images that are too abstract or complex, as they may be difficult to understand.
  • li>Ensure that the images are clear and high-quality.

Drawing or Diagram Creation

  • Create drawings or diagrams that clearly illustrate the concept being conveyed.
  • Use simple lines and shapes to make the diagrams easy to follow.
  • Label the diagrams with clear and concise text.

Description and Explanation

Provide detailed descriptions of the illustrations or visual aids, explaining how they represent the vocabulary word’s meaning.

By incorporating illustrations and visual aids into vocabulary learning, students can gain a deeper understanding of the words and improve their ability to retain information.

Practice Exercises

Reinforce your vocabulary acquisition with engaging practice exercises designed to enhance your comprehension and retention.

These exercises include a variety of formats to cater to different learning styles and preferences, ensuring a comprehensive approach to vocabulary mastery.

Matching, Unit 3 vocabulary level c

Match the vocabulary terms with their correct definitions:

  • Egregious –
  • Placid –
  • Ameliorate –
  • Sublime –
  • Gregarious –
  1. Highly sociable
  2. Extremely noticeable or shocking
  3. To make something better
  4. Calm and peaceful
  5. Exceedingly beautiful or impressive


Complete the sentences with the appropriate vocabulary terms:

  • The student’s behavior was so _______ that he was suspended from school.
  • The lake’s _______ waters reflected the setting sun perfectly.
  • The doctor prescribed medication to _______ the patient’s pain.
  • The _______ painting inspired awe in all who beheld it.
  • The _______ crowd cheered enthusiastically at the concert.

Sentence Completion

Finish the sentences using the vocabulary terms:

  • The _______ weather made it difficult to go outside.
  • The _______ student excelled in all her classes.
  • The _______ act of kindness touched everyone’s hearts.
  • The _______ concert was a musical masterpiece.
  • The _______ group of friends spent every weekend together.

Answer Key:


  • Egregious – Extremely noticeable or shocking
  • Placid – Calm and peaceful
  • Ameliorate – To make something better
  • Sublime – Exceedingly beautiful or impressive
  • Gregarious – Highly sociable


  • egregious
  • placid
  • ameliorate
  • sublime
  • gregarious

Sentence Completion:

  • egregious
  • sublime
  • ameliorate
  • sublime
  • gregarious

Helpful Answers

What is Unit 3 Vocabulary Level C?

Unit 3 Vocabulary Level C is a collection of vocabulary words typically taught in the third unit of a language learning program, designed to enhance your vocabulary and language comprehension.

How can I effectively learn the vocabulary in Unit 3 Level C?

To effectively learn the vocabulary in Unit 3 Level C, engage in regular practice, use flashcards, create sentences with the new words, and immerse yourself in the language through reading and listening.